PKF-IFS Mongolia

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-Statutory Audit

Firms of all sizes are subject to statutory audit and the process can often be timely and complex. PKF-IFS work closely with our clients to build relationships and provide a personalized, bespoke service to suit our clients' needs.

During the audit we are constantly considering ways to maximize efficiency and optimize your profits, while also ensuring that statutory auditing requirements are handled concisely, flawlessly, and as quickly as possible.

Whether your company is local or multinational, we guarantee that all audits will be conducted to the highest local and international standards.

Non-Statutory Audit is performed on financial statements which do not fall under the requirements of statutory audit, but which may be required to meet industry or stakeholder requirements. PKF-IFS offer a full suite of non-statutory audit services, including: reporting on the standard of financial statements presently being compiled; if aspects of an agreement are being compiled with, such as a contract or a loan; internal controls over the audit process.

PKF-IFS assist with compiling complex financial statements on behalf of diverse companies all over the world. These statements meet the highest local and international accounting standards. Financial statements are provided to meet clients' needs, either monthly, quarterly or annually.

Our tailored audit services can help you build trust and confidence through transparency, clarity and consistency. We adapt our audit services to fit your unique needs, but what doesn’t change is the exceptional service quality we deliver to all our clients. Whether you’re already at the top or you’re on your way up.

The quality of our audit starts with each of our assurance professionals who have the breadth of experience that comes from auditing many of the world’s leading and fastest growing companies and to whom we provide the best available ongoing personal and professional development.

-Internal Audit

Successful organisations recognise that an effective internal audit service can make a very positive contribution to the management of risk and the smooth operation of the business.

Our internal audit professionals can work with you to understand your business strategy and its associated business drivers, and how that strategy is delivered through an appropriate operational business plan and process framework. Your stakeholders will benefit from experienced independent professional evaluations and a review of the quality and effectiveness of the control environment within your organisation.

Where areas are identified for improvement, we can work with you to help you identify solutions and achieve your objectives.

Services include: 

Advising your management team to develop workable internal controls that enhance the control environment

Providing advice on how to implement an effective and secured internal control environment

Advising on how to manage core operational risks, especially those related to the reliability of business operations

Assisting with linking operational strategies and risk performance measures to business goals

Assisting with change management and business awareness processes by helping make the transition from existing practices to more efficient and focused approaches through training and assisting of staff in the development of new skills

Evaluating the key structures, dynamics and processes required to underpin effective corporate governance

Modern internal auditing helps an organization to bring a systematic and disciplined approach to improving the effectiveness of control and governance processes. Our internal audit professionals can provide internal audit resources on either a co-sourced or out-sourced basis.

We provide a consistent audit by assembling the right multi-disciplinary team to address the most complex issues, using a proven global methodology and deploying the latest, high quality auditing tools and perspectives.

-Accounting Advisory Services

In the current global environment that many companies operate within, there are many challenges for these companies from an accounting perspective as shareholders, regulators and other external stakeholders take a greater interest in how companies report, disclose and communicate their financial results.

With the increased scrutiny on companies financial reporting and disclosure requirements that the standard setters and regulators are requesting from companies, many businesses are often hard pressed to manage these additional requirements.

Our Accounting advisory specialists can support you in ensuring that companies can meet the additional disclosure requirements from regulators and standard setters and we within the PKF network have experienced professionals to help you to meet these additional demands placed on companies.

-Risk Management Advisory 

Our Risk Advisory teams help navigate through the challenges surrounding governance, risk and compliance. Our team is comprised of highly trained professionals with extensive business and industry expertise, technical acumen, and the ability to identify and apply best practices. We combine process and system benchmarking experience with organizational knowledge.

Enterprises are facing increased challenges for business leadership to succeed in the face of market dynamics, competition and increasing regulatory burdens. Today, risk management is a leadership instrument which is a global necessity in governing and enterprise. All over the world, companies are increasingly required to report not only financial numbers but also on how they monitor changes in market conditions and related risks and opportunities, and how they are dealing with them (including the provision of indicators on their stability) in order to obtain market credibility.

Application of risk management techniques identifies risks, and opportunities helping to align and focus limited company resources on core objectives.

-Financial Reporting Advisory

Sound financial reporting depends on strong internal accounting procedures. PKF-IFS advisers collect and collate accurate, timely and relevant information including all standard reports: profit and loss statements, cash flow statements and balance sheets.

In addition to report preparation, we can advise on decision making based on those reports. Our advisers stay up-to-date with reporting requirements and standards ensuring all statements are clear, legal and ethical.

-Corporate Governance

Issues regarding Corporate Governance have become increasingly important for companies to consider in light of the number of recent, high profile corporate collapses.

We understand the importance of having specific rules in place to ensure that the conduct and actions of senior management are in the best interests of the company as a whole and do not favour themselves or specific shareholders. By setting up, following and communicating a clear delegation of authority, your employees recognise the decisions that they can and cannot make on their own.

-Strategic Planning

A business cannot succeed long term in today’s hyper-competitive environment without a robust strategic plan. But standing back from your business in order to create a plan is often a challenge to both time and energy.

Because PKF-IFS advisers work with such a wide range of businesses – small to large and across many different industries – they have a broad perspective that makes them perfectly placed to work with you and facilitate a strategic plan for your organisation.

Our advisors will ask the simple questions that can be very hard to answer: questions like ‘Who are we?’, ‘What do we do?’, ‘Who do we do it for?’ and ‘Why do they choose us?’ They will then delve deeper, seeking to help you to really understand what it is that makes your business tick, and where the opportunities are for the future.

That understanding is a starting point to identifying the ‘what, where and how’ of your strategic plan, both in the short to medium term and out to the long term of five years or more.

-Corporate Finance

PKF Corporate Finance has a team of corporate finance professionals in key markets in Asia, UK & Europe, North America and South America. We work closely with these teams to ensure that cross-border transactions are executed smoothly and efficiently. This may include specialist support and advice on local markets, financial due diligence, tax structuring and tax due diligence.

-Training and E-Learning

We value distinction, quality, brilliance, greatness, and believe you do too. Your success is our success. When you partner with us, you partner with a world-class Network. As registered SAICA training provider, we support your academic performance. The sky is the limit

PKF-IFS Mongolia LLC member of PKF International

PKF-IFS Mongolia LLC is a member firm of the PKF International Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms.

"PKF" and the PKF logo are registered trademarks used by PKF International and member firms of the PKF International Network. They may not be used by anyone other than a duly licensed member firm of the Network.