PKF-IFS Mongolia


Home News Savings in the National Currency of Mongolia Increased by MNT 5.4 Trillion

Savings in the National Currency of Mongolia Increased by MNT 5.4 Trillion

Ulaanbaatar, December 17, 2024 /MONTSAME. The savings in Tugrug, the national currency of Mongolia, reached MNT 20.7 trillion as of the end of October 2024, an increase of MNT 94 billion (0.5 percent.) Compared to the same period of 2023, the total amount of Tugrug savings increased by 5.4 trillion, or 34.9 percent. 

Of the total Tugrug savings, MNT 17.9 trillion (86.4 percent) is made by individuals, whereas MNT 2.8 trillion (13.6 percent) by enterprises. 

Savings in foreign currency reached MNT 4.5 trillion, an increase of 5.3 billion (0.1 percent) compared to the previous month. However, savings in foreign policy decreased by an equivalent of MNT 445.1 billion (9.1 percent,) compared to the same period last year, according to the National Statistics Office of Mongolia. 

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