Home News Mongolian Sustainable Finance Forum to Be Held under the Auspices of the President of Mongolia Mongolian Sustainable Finance Forum to Be Held under the Auspices of the President of Mongolia Ulaanbaatar, November 22, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Under the auspices of the President of Mongolia, the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Forum-2024 will be held in Ulaanbaatar on November 27- 29, 2024. The forum will bring together representatives from various fields engaged in green development including policymakers, regulation authorities, private businesses, and civil society to openly discuss their actions for green sustainable development, the results, and challenges, identify future steps, and strengthen cooperation between all parties. At the plenary session of the forum to be held at the State Palace on November 28, discussions will be held on the green transition in the agriculture sector, financing for energy-efficient residential housing, and opportunities to increase green finance. Alongside the forum, training sessions for banking and finance professionals and SMEs to share international experiences and deepen their knowledge will be organized on November 27-29, covering topics such as impact investing, biodiversity financing, and climate reporting. The third Mongolian Sustainable Finance Forum is supported by the Office of the President, the Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association, Khan Bank, the United Nations in Mongolia, and international partner organizations.