PKF-IFS Mongolia


Home News Leather Processing Factories to Implement International LWG Standards

Leather Processing Factories to Implement International LWG Standards

Ulaanbaatar, May 8, 2024 /MONTSAME/. As part of the establishment and development of the "Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park," a project to support Ulaanbaatar City's competitiveness and restoration will be implemented.


The leather processing factories currently operating in Ulaanbaatar City are set to be relocated to the "Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park." To elevate these factories to international standards, Mongolia will collaborate with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to help the factories qualify for the Leather Working Group (LWG) standards.


Also, the consulting services will be provided by UNIDO, which has international experience in implementing wastewater treatment plant technology in this sector.


Therefore, it has been agreed to collaborate on the "Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park" wastewater treatment plant technology scheme, including the planning, design, and construction phases of the project.

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