PKF-IFS Mongolia


Home News TIKA Provides Food Aid to 1,200 Mongolian Households

TIKA Provides Food Aid to 1,200 Mongolian Households

Ulaanbaatar, April 2, 2024. /MONTSAME/. As part of its annual humanitarian activities, the Turkish Cooperation Coordination Agency (TIKA) has provided food aid to 1,200 households in Mongolia.


In Mongolia, TIKA has implemented more than 900 projects in many fields, such as education, health, infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, and animal husbandry. One of these projects aims at helping a target group of citizens.


This time, a total of 1,200 households in Songinokhairkhan, Nalaikh, and Chingeltei districts of the capital city, as well as Uvs, Khuvsgul, and Bayan-Ulgii aimags, received food and seven types of essential goods. The Narkhan Children's Orphanage and NGOs, including My World, El Birligi, and Bridge to Support Human Development, collaborated in distributing the aid.


During the distribution of the aid Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Türkiye to Mongolia Zafer Ates said, “Every year TIKA conducts activities aimed at the target group on the occasion of Ramadan. This time, we are implementing a charity and food aid project in cooperation with NGOs. For us, Mongolia is a country with brotherly friendship. Projects and programs implemented by TIKA in other fields continue to contribute to the expansion and strengthening of relations between the two countries.”


B. Nominkhuu, the Director of the "My World" NGO, said, "We have been cooperating with TIKA since 2018 and have been delivering food aid to abused children, women, and target families. We would like to express our gratitude to TIKA and the people of Türkiye for their cooperation."



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