PKF-IFS Mongolia


Home News Zamiin-Uud International Port to Operate 24 hours in 2024

Zamiin-Uud International Port to Operate 24 hours in 2024

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ Zamiin-Uud border port, one of the busiest international ports of Mongolia bordering China will operate 24 hours a day in 2024.


At a Senior Officials’ Meeting of Customs Offices, Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the National Committee for Port Revival Tulga Buya stated that testing for a 24-hour operation of Zamiin-Uud border port was conducted last year and the port will continue 24-hour operation in 2024.


Minister Tulga emphasized, “The National Committee for Border Port Revival paid special attention to the improvement of the working and living conditions of customs officers, and the funds for the purchase of 35 family apartments for the port employees have been reflected in this year’s budget. This year, we have set a goal to complete the ongoing construction in four border ports on time without delay. In addition, we are working on starting construction and modernization work on 3-4 ports with the financing of the Asian Development Bank.”



Mr. Tseyenregzen Ochirsuren, Director of the Customs Office in Zamiin-Uud, noted, "The cargo transportation of the port was operated for 24 hours during the trial period. The trial was carried out in bad weather conditions. In the future, there is an urgent need to increase personnel and install x-ray equipment to check large goods vehicles at the Customs Office in Zamiin-Uud.”

The Customs Office in Zamiin-Uud collected tax revenue of MNT 1 trillion 31 billion in 2023 while it used to collect approximately MNT 450-500 billion annually for the state budget in the past three years.


Translated by Sainzaya Davaajamts

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