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Home News Conducting IATA Training in Mongolia Discussed

Conducting IATA Training in Mongolia Discussed

Ulaanbaatar, January 30, 2024 /MONTSAME/ State Secretary of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia Batbold Sandagdorj visited the People’s Republic of China on January 24-27 at the invitation of Vice President North Asia at International Air Transport Association /IATA/ Xie Xingquan.


State Secretary S. Batbold met with IATA North Asia Vice President Xie Xingquan, Director of Operations, Safety and Security Department North Asia IATA Dou Peng, and other officials and exchanged opinions on cooperation in air transportation.

At the meeting, the proposal to conduct IATA training in Mongolia was accepted by the IATA and IATA expressed its interest in cooperation. By conducting the certified training in Mongolia, young people who are interested in studying in the aviation industry will have the opportunity to study in their home country at a discounted price.


The two parties agreed that IATA Consulting would collaborate in the implementation of the project to elevate the status of “Khovd” airport to an international airport by increasing its capacity and improving its efficiency through a public-private partnership.

The consulting services provided at “Khovd” airport can be used as a benchmark for the development and improvement of other local airports, such as “Murun”, “Choibalsan” and “Gurvansaikhan”, which are included in the “List of State Property Concession”. In addition, they exchanged views on the opening of a new air gate with China, air navigation fees, and the joining of MIAT, the Mongolian flag carrier as a member of IATA and the representatives of IATA expressed that it would provide all possible support to these issues.


Translated by Sainzaya Davaajamts

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