PKF-IFS Mongolia




Ulaanbaatar, May 3, 2023/ MONTSAME/. Within the framework of the New Revival Policy being implemented by the Government of Mongolia, the "Rural Revival - Open Dornogobi " conference was held in Dornogobi province on April 28-29.

Lakshmi Boojoo, Director General of the Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center (EPCRC), gave a speech on "Competitiveness of Dornogobi Province and Issues to be Considered" at the conference. She emphasized that "EPCRC has been conducting a survey on the competitiveness of the provinces since 2012, ranking 21 provinces with 174 indicators using international methods. And for the last two years, Dornogobi aimag has led the others. However, it does not mean that all 174 indicators are good for Dornogobi aimag. The most decreased indicator for the aimag is its business efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on management, finance, labor market, productivity, and human development. Human development includes training, education, health services, and food security. The improved competitiveness of Dornogobi aimag is the result of its long-term stable policy and its continuity. It is proof of the collaboration of the generations of aimag management and its team. Policy steps are not taken overnight and do not give its results in the short-term."


EPCRC is a private think tank and has been continuously producing reports on the competitiveness of Mongolia, provinces, and capital districts every 1-2 years since 2011. The conference was attended by employees of the government and public organizations, as well as representatives from 21 aimags.


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